The Systems Development Report represents the third major component in the Clark County Socioeconomic Impact Assessment of the Proposed High-Level Nuclear Waste Repository at Yucca Mound Nevada. The purpose of this report is to describe operationalization of variables and systems under development for monitoring changes in the socioeconomic conditions existing in Clark County as reported in the Base Case Analysis. The analytic areas for which monitoring systems are being developed include economic-demographic/fiscal characteristics, emergency planning and management variables, transportation characteristics, and social and risk related factors.
By way of example, the economic-demographic/fiscal characteristics are incorporated into the Systems Development Report include: the characteristics of the local economy; the distribution and characteristics of local population, residential and non-residential land use characteristics; and government service and facility systems; and government finances. Because these areas are comprised of variables which are commonly used by local governments, the maintenance of a monitoring system will be relatively straightforward and applicable to any number of proposed future projects in Clark County.