Social and economic impact of the radiological accident in Goiania, Brazil
In 1987, a radiological accident, involving the incorrect disposal of medical radiation equipment, occurred in Goiania, Brazil. Field research was conducted two and eight months after the incident. The event provided a unique opportunity to examine how a relatively minor accident involving radioactive material could result in a chain of events affecting an entire state's economy, stigmatize an entire state's population, and disrupt social relations throughout a community, state, region, and nation. It is a classic example of the process by which the public perception of risks, not the actual event or risk itself,
can result in a wide array of painful and costly responses. Research products include one case study technical report, submitted as part of a larger socioeconomic impact assessment of the Proposed High-level Nuclear Waste Repository at the Yucca Mountain Site in Nevada and two journal articles.
Published in
High-Level Nuclear Waste Repository